Keolis is a pioneer in developing public transport systems and works alongside public decision-makers who want to turn shared mobility systems into levers to enhance the appeal and vitality of their regions. A world leader in operating automated metro and tramway systems, Keolis is supported by a sustained and open innovative policy alongside all of its partners and subsidiaries – Kisio, LeCab, EFFIA, Keolis Santé, Cykleo – to bolster its core business and develop new innovative and bespoke shared mobility solutions, including trains, buses and coaches, trolleybuses, shared car solutions, river and sea shuttle services, bike share services, car sharing, fully electric driverless shuttles and urban cable cars. In France, Keolis is the second largest parking company through its subsidiary EFFIA, and the country’s leading medical transport solution since the creation of Keolis Santé in July 2017.
The Group is 70%-owned by SNCF and 30%-owned by the Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (Quebec Deposit and Investment Fund), and employs some 58,300 people in 16 countries. In 2016, it posted revenue of €5.1 billion. More than 3 billion passengers have now used one of Keolis’ shared mobility services.
* Keolis is well-established in France and also operates in Germany, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, United States, India, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Downer is the leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand and customers are at the heart of everything it does. It exists to create and sustain the modern environment and its promise is to work closely with its customers to help them succeed, using world-leading insights and solutions to design, build and sustain assets, infrastructure and facilities. Downer has over 100 years’ rail experience and has expertise covering all sectors from rolling stock to infrastructure and in every project phase, from manufacturing to through-life-support and operations. As Australia’s leading provider of passenger rolling stock asset management services, it delivers reliable and safe services to the fast-growing and dynamic public transport sector and partners with its customers to deliver solutions across all transport domains.

As the Operator Franchisee, GoldlinQ Pty Ltd is contracted by the Queensland Government for the design, construction, operations and maintenance of the light rail system. This is achieved through strategic partnerships with the GoldlinQ consortium members.