Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers

Event Date : 02 April 2022

How to get there

Ride the G: to Cypress Avenue Station, walk across Chevron Island Bridge, follow Thomas Drive, turn left onto Stanhill Drive and follow the signs to the Green Bridge.

Need more help getting to this event? Visit the Translink Journey Planner.

Interactive Theatre International (ITI) is proud to present the Australian Premiere of Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers at the HOTA Gold Coast from 2nd – 3rd April 2022.

All around the world, Roald Dahl’s words are disappearing not only from books but children’s minds too! Now only a Secret Organisation known as The Ancient Guild of Taletenders can save the stories and they need your help…

Especially made for ages six and up, the show is an immersive and interactive performance, involving games and imaginative play. The production is fully commissioned and endorsed by the Roald Dahl Literary Estate, and that it is the only interactive show under licence worldwide.

This delightfully engaging show is set to warm the hearts of parents and children through its nostalgically magical atmosphere.